Wectory - Our Benefits

2021-08-27 18:59
Wectory allows you to receive funds which could very well be a necessity for the achievement of your targets or great for accommodating your future purchases. You are immersed in an open, opportunistic world where you can spend this sum on mortgage down payments, glamorous renovations, holidays, or any other personal wants. With the service, many advantages are strung along.

1. Wectory provides future income on demand, with an ability to receive your chosen quantity of rental payments (up to maximum of 12). The service does not require new, long-ended commitments to arise. With this said, you will not have to issue any recurring monthly payments and thus, nothing to think twice about!

2. No alterations to the tenancy agreement are made - the duration of the contract stays put, and the tenant has no extra fees to part with. We obtain funds from the tenant monthly / weekly, in accordance with the terms of the tenancy agreement.

3. Wectory’s use does not affect the credit score as it is not a loan. Furthermore, it does not entail any new obligations from your side because you, as a landlord, would have received those rental payments on a monthly basis anyway. Wectory trustingly provides them ahead of time and does not interfere with already existing tenancy agreements.

4. Our service does not come along with hidden charges. It entails a straightforward process of registration that is explained in more detail on our website. We offer our service with a flat fee. Overall, the upfront funding is simple and transparent.

If you are curious about how to get rent in advance, please download our mobile app.